My Favourites

I AM listening

All about my favorite playlists & podcasts


Here I share my favorite books

If you want even more, you can find here book recommendations by my podcast guests

I AM using

This could be from beauty items all the way to kitchen appliances

I AM consuming

Some of my actually preferred food & beverages

I AM Watching

What I like to watch on YouTube, Movie, Netflix and others



The "AstroPod" by Alexander von Schlieffen is a weekly must for me.


Updates on what’s happening in the sky are paired with insights and guidance on how you can mindfully work with the astrology of the moment.


Tim Ferriss deconstructs world-class performers from eclectic areas (investing, chess, pro sports, etc.), digging deep to find the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.



February Music discovery - classical start, moving through creative mantra versions, and powerful texts, and at the end, you can turn it up even more and groove to the beat


A podcast that’s real, unpolished, honest, and reflects both the magic and the messiness of what it means to be human.



The Gift of Asking by Kemi Nekvapil - A women's guide to owning her wants and needs without guilt.


Power by Kemi Nekvapil - A women's guide to leading without apology



You Are the Medicine by Asha Frost: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection, and Animal Spirit Guidance



Raus aus Schema F by Gitta Jacob - Das innere Kind verstehen, Verhaltensmuster ändern und neue Wege gehen.



Manduka Yoga Mat, for my home practice I have the extra long one and for traveling I use their travel mats


This is the place for me to go for Music and Podcasts.



I just love this brand for my daily journaling, couldn't go without it anymore.



When I'm recording my podcast episodes from home, this one is the best.



I love to write with this pen, it glides effortlessly across the paper


Logitech Brio Camera for streaming

Ultimate Ears - Boom Box, always travelling with me from home to yoga studio to second home


A good day, self-love and gratitude diary, only 5-6 minutes a day for gratitude, mindfulness, journaling, diary


When I'm teaching my online yoga classes I'm using these cute little pods, never fail me.



When I'm teaching my online yoga classes I'm using these cute little pods, never fail me.




Magnesium Supplement Drink Mix, Magnesium-Trinkmischung zur Nahrungsergänzung


Schwarztee, ätherisches Öl aus Bergamotte, ätherisches Öl aus Zitronenschale aus biologischer Landwirtschaft

Rooibos und Vanille: ein harmonierendes Paar


A soothing, certified organic, caffeine-free herbal infusion—with licorice root and peppermint—calms your senses, promoting a sense of well-being.

Milder Rooibostee mit zitronigem Bergamottengeschmack


Goldgelber Tee mit süsslich-grasigem Geschmack und samtigem Abgang



Spanish Netflix Series, which revolves around Valeria, a writer who feels that something is missing in her marriage and writing.